7mm Barrel Trimmer Tool
Item: SG174
Product Description
A very useful device to square off the end of the wood blank once the brass tube has been glued in.
It also cleans off the burr at the end of the brass tube as well as cleaning out any excess glue.
Ideal tool prior to assembling on a pen mandrel.
For use with 7mm tubes.
Customer Reviews
By Robert Golding on 15th May 2024
"Great tool, perfect for using with pen making"

By Ken on 19th October 2023
"As normal excellent quality and value"

By Sheila on 3rd March 2021
"Service good"

By Mrs Wendy Mason on 20th December 2020
"This is possibly the best pen making tool I've bought to date!
Before buying this, I used to sand the pen blanks down to the brass which got them square with the wood. (Not the brass.)
This has improved the quality of my pens enormously.
I didn't think I needed this at first but now I've got it, I'm never going back"

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