GlassCast 10 Casting Resin
Product Description
GlassCast 10 is suitable for Smaller Castings up to 10mm thick, such as jewellery.
GlassCast 10 is a water-clear, UV resistant clear casting resin developed for smaller or thinner castings such as jewellery, 3D resin-art, gaps/knots/wood inlays and more. It can be used to make parts up to around 10mm thick in a single pour.
Because GlassCast 10 has been developed as a casting resin and not a coating resin, it remains water-clear even in thick sections. It doesn't however, self-level to quite the perfectly flat, glossy finish of our GlassCast 3 coating resin and would require a flat and polish if a perfect finish is required on the open face.
Suitable for projects, such as:
- Resin Jewellery: Clear or tinted
- Wood and Resin Jewellery: With or without tints and effects
- 3D Resin Art: Using layers, pigments and effects
- Clear Figurines or Castings: Into moulds like RTV silicone
- Pen Blanks: Using marbled colour and effects
- Knife Handles and Mikarta: With Various Fabrics and materials
- Thick Countertops: Up to 10mm, with inclusions
- Resin Surfaces Similuated Water: For models and dioramas
GlassCast 10 Advantages
- Incredibly clear - no epoxy beats it for clarity
- Highly UV stable - GlassCast 10 is best-in-class
- Natural air bubble release - almost zero trapped air without degassing
- Low viscosity - ideal for intricate castings
- Highly machinable - great for turning, shaping and polishing
- 100% solids - zero shrinkage
- No odour - VOC free
GlassCast 10 is sold as a kit which includes both the resin and hardener. When you are ready to pour, measure the resin and hardener at the correct ratio and mix thoroughly. Add any pigments or effects and then pour the resin - no more than 10mm deep - into your mould, cavity or wherever you're using it. The resin will reach initial cure in around 24hrs.
Before you begin... It is important for users to familiarise themselves with the Safety and Technical information and ensure that instructions are followed correctly, particularly those points relating to working temperatures, weighing and mixing. Unsatisfactory results are almost always caused by unsuitable ambient temperatures or improper weighing or mixing. It is very important to read the Safety and Technical Datasheets before starting a project with GlassCast Resin.
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Safety and Technical Datasheets
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