Robert Sorby Sovereign TurnMaster Set in Wooden Box
Product Description
Sovereign TurnMaster Set in Wooden Box (SOV-RSTMDBS)
The Robert Sorby TurnMaster is the perfect tool for the beginner or a fantastic foil for the more experienced woodturner looking for a flexible tool to equip their workshop.
This set comes complete with 3 detachable heads to allow for quick interchanging.
Set includes:
- TurnMaster shank with HSS detail point cutter fitted
- HSS round cutter fitted to a detachable head
- HSS square cutter fitted to a detachable head
- French Curve cutter
- Teardrop cutter
- Mushroom cutter
- Dovetail/box Cutter
- 1/4" Standard Parting Tool
- 12" Sovereign Handle
- 4" Sovereign Extension
- Sovereign Tang Collet
- Sovereign Threaded Coupler
- 600g Diamond Honing Card
Set comes in a beautiful wooden box.
Customer Reviews
By Mr David Johnson on 28th June 2020
"Great tool set enjoy using them. A thumbs up from me ????"

By Bob. on 14th April 2020
"Usable straight out of the box, ideal for use by beginner such as myself."

By mr hayes on 31st March 2020
"Absolutely love this kit and what a fantastic place turner's retreat is"

By Jim G on 2nd October 2019
"I've just had a chance to use this product. As an absolute beginner to wood turning it is brilliant! Well engineered - followed the you tube video - easy to use."

Staff response...
"Thanks for your comments, Jim. Pleased to hear you're enjoying your wood turning journey! Please keep us updated with your progress, would love to see how you get on. Happy turning!"
"Thanks for your comments, Jim. Pleased to hear you're enjoying your wood turning journey! Please keep us updated with your progress, would love to see how you get on. Happy turning!"
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