Product Description
The heartwood is light and dark chocolate brown. The wood is hard, heavy, durable, close-grained and resistant to termites. It sandpapers well and takes oils and varnish well finishing with a satin like lustre.
When freshly worked it has a distinctive, sweetish smell. The wood is almost indestructible. Samples taken from the Great Zimbabwe, carbon dates to be between 1240 and 1530 years old, were found to be well preserved. It is used in musical instruments, turning and carving.
Please note, the image is an example of what you could create with Tamboti wood.
Customer Reviews
By Peter Metcalfe on 8th April 2024
"Spectacular results, but a little on the expensive side."

By Gillian Reid on 3rd January 2021
"This was part of my husband's Christmas present - he was pleased with it & I'm looking forward to seeing what he does with it."

By mr Lee OHagan on 18th May 2020
"Excellent piece,
Thank you,
Great Service, Excellent packaging, super fast service,"

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