Theme: Time
Providing an additional platform to showcase your handcrafted work.
Every month, we share a theme. Makers from all over the country are invited to create new work or share photos of existing work that relates to the chosen theme of the month, and the theme for April 2022 was 'Time.'
The maker of each submission is also entered into a free prize draw and a winner is selected at random to win a £25.00 Turners Retreat voucher! That work will be our ‘Featured Piece of the Month’ and will be shared with our Mailing List subscribers by email and on our social media pages.
View the submissions sent in to us during April below and support fellow makers by following their social media pages. Let's help eachother grow!
If you would like to take part in the next theme, click here and find out how to enter!

Prize Draw Result
The winner of the prize draw and featured piece of the month is Chris Chance - The Novice Turner. Congratulations, Chris! A £25 Turners Retreat voucher is on its way to you by email, and your work will be featured on our social media feeds and in our e-newsletters during the month of May.

Featured Piece of the Month: The Novice Turner
Maker: Chris Chance
Craft: Woodturning
What inspired this piece: Looking at a sunflower, it inspired me to consider 'Summertime' with the flowers coming into bloom displaying their vibrant colour.
Find The Novice Turner Online

Orana Crafts
Maker: Sam Derrick
Craft: Pyrography
What inspired this piece: My piece was inspired by my lifelong love of dragons, and my fascination with steampunk style, I'd been wanting to create something incorporating the two, and pyrography gave me the perfect medium! Clocks are a key part of steampunk so this seemed ideal for this months theme.
Find Orana Crafts Online
Instagram | Website | Etsy Shop

A Burning Ambition
Maker: Chris Slack
Craft: Woodturning
What inspired this piece: My daughter asked if I could make a special 60th wedding anniversary gift for 2 very dear friends, she left it up to me to decide what to make. This beautiful clock was the finished item.
Find A Burning Ambition Online
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Hampshire Hog Woodturning
Maker: Julie Barker
Craft: Woodturning
What inspired this piece: I was challenged by a friend to make an apple! Never even tried before, so this is my 'first time' apple! Wood is beautiful laburnum.
Find Hampshire Hog Woodturning Online
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Craftway Crafts
Maker: Chris Ford
Craft: Woodworking and turning
What inspired this piece: The film 'Beauty and the Beast.'
Find Croftway Crafts Online
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Kate's Kuality Krafts
Maker: Kate Kitchin
Craft: Woodworking, turning and pyrography
What inspired this piece: I made and fell in love with my first Dino months ago and have been adding to my character range ever since. This project has been in the back of my mind for ages so after completing the design and creating patterns I'm absolutely buzzing that it’s finally come together.
Find Kate's Kuality Krafts Online
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Etsy Shop

Sharp Turning
Maker: Matthew Sharp
Craft: Woodturning
What inspired this piece: I wanted to keep the form of piece very simple. There's a lot going on in the spalted beech and I wanted the grain and spalting to be the main focus rather than over complicate the skeleton clock.
Find Sharp Turning Online
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Wood Elf Turning
Maker: Neil Wake
Craft: Woodturning
What inspired this piece: Whilst cutting firewood, I spotted an interesting Beech crotch showing an area of spalting. The shape and figure inspired me to create a natural edged, flat back clock. The figure in the wood curved for the clock face and the natural edge gave it a textured feel, a reminder of its origins.
Find Wood Elf Turning Online

Alan Essam
Maker: Alan Essam
Craft: Woodturning
What inspired this piece: This is one of a few vintage type clocks I have turned, I find that some antique products make ideal turning projects especially when combined with other ideas such as clocks. The planning is important, often requiring research into the original items and prototype runs to get the dimensions right.

Lucy Lamb Crafts
Maker: Felicity Salmon
Craft: Woodturning
What inspired this piece: : I found an interesting piece of an old ash branch, destined for the stove. It was rotten and beetle infested in the centre, but that knotty bit turned out to be stunning. It begged to be a mantle clock and challenged me to attempt my first skeleton clock.
Find Lucy Lamb Crafts Online
Thank you to everyone who took part in our very first Showcase, we've loved seeing your work and learning more about the inspiration behind each piece, thank you for sharing your stories with us!
To find out the theme for next month and details on how to get involved, please click here.
Here's some of the products used to create this month's submissions...